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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the legal framework in which guidelines are set out for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals. Essentially, it is the way that companies are kept accountable for their actions when it comes to processing the personal information of clients or individuals. But, how does this relate to email marketing campaigns? A lot of information has to be collected in order to run a successful email marketing campaign, but you still need to ensure that you can justify it all.
Data permission is how you can manage email opt-ins. These are people who agree to receive promotional and other materials from your business. You are not allowed to simply assume that they want to hear from you when they purchase from you to tell them all about the offers that you have on at the moment. As such, they need to express consent and it must be freely given and unambiguous.
The majority of companies now use tick boxes, but not pre-ticked ones that the user has to untick to avoid promotional material. It must be entirely down to the user, and they have to have actively sought after marketing materials in order to remain compliant.
Individuals have more control as to how their information is collected and used than ever under the GDPR. As such, if you are hoping to generate GDPR compliant leads, you must ensure that a user has the ability to access their data and withdraw their consent to use it. Ideally, you should make this simple and easy to do to avoid anyone saying that they weren’t able to remove their permissions.
A study of 4,500 email campaigns was conducted though, and it found that 8% of all emails did not include an unsubscribe link! Ensure that yours does in order to remain GDPR compliant in your email marketing campaigns.
An important part of the GDPR is that it requires companies and businesses to have to justify why they have collected the information that they have from a person. It’s well known that marketers often collect more than they need, but these leads will no longer be GDPR compliant. To keep your marketing on the right side of the law, you simply need to stop asking for any irrelevant information. Instead of trying to gather the information that you feel it may be good to have in the future, focus on the information that you need and can justify now. If you are ever unsure, then collect the basic information and work from there as and when needed.
Hopefully now, you have a better understanding of how you can get GDPR compliant leads for marketing campaigns in your business. Ensure that you are consistently being compliant with the GDPR because the last thing that you want is to find out what the penalty is for failure to comply. We wish you the very best of luck and hope that this helps you to generate more GDPR compliant leads.