Get free database samples for your company: Click here or Call us at: +1 (302) 351-2405
Our expert team of researchers compile massive APAC b2b email lists by sourcing relevant business data from numerous sources, verifies, validates and keeps it updated in order to facilitate targeted marketing
GET FREE SAMPLESGM believes the future of all marketing will be driven by those that understand how to turn data into high-quality information, which can then be turned into valuable, business-empowering insights. And all of this stems from the quality of data – we top b2b data providers strive for accuracy, quality information and use it as a key component of your business’s growth. Whether you need help with finding the vital data your company needs to thrive and win over the competition about your industry, geographic regions, demographics or size of your prospective market, we can help.
We invest over two million each year, continually refining and improving our offerings with over 300 full-time, dedicated researchers ensuring our business and consumer records are up to date and delivering high-quality information to all of our clients.
We guarantee that if you purchase our mailing and Company email Database lists, you will get the highest SGM top b2b data providers for your sales, marketing, research, and reference requirements. Our data powers and verifies the world’s top search engines and provides a point-of-interest Company email Database to the leading navigation systems in North America, straight into your hands in an understandable, digestible manner.
>We can help you with any side of your marketing efforts, including targeted marketing lists, direct marketing services, and ongoing sales leads. We’re based in Wilmington, Delaware in the US. And we also have our teams in the UK, India and Sri Lanka.
Justin was very clear with our requirements and walked us through the process diligently. What I like is the use of Business Intelligence dashboard before and after for our mail appending request, that gave us better clarity and able to understand the reason for decline in conversion rate for our email marketing.
For our target specific campaign on hiring a specific skill base,the contact list that we received had a good response percentage which helped us drive our campaign requirements. Will definitely engage for our next hiring campaign.
We were too demanding as it was a new campaign for a niche market and we were looking only for select audience plus we did not have much time. They ensured that we got what we asked for, thanks to Amanda for a quick turnaround.
Everything was simple and organized well, we were on a lookout for contact list and they helped us to solve to run it from a campaign tool. Chris Lead though the whole process so you have somebody who understands your needs, which was excellent!
Excellent integration of Business Intelligence analytics tool for our requirement, Within two weeks, we were ahead of our campaign expectations. Because Seagrass created a platform which was easy and intuitive, we’re are able to complete our marketing tasks easily.
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