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How To Run Marketing Campaigns With A Small Database Size

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How To Run Marketing Campaigns With A Small Database Size

When you are trying to improve how you market to your customers and potential clients, one of the most powerful tools you can adopt is the database. With a database on your side, you can collate all of the data that you need to know for a group or set of people, or even multiple groups, and then use that to significantly improve the way you communicate with clients. All in all, this makes for more effective campaigns and ensures that you are not simply going for the ‘one size fits all approach that people are so used to seeing.

With all that in mind, you might well be wondering whether it’s even worth using a database if it is only limited in size. The answer is yes: it is still worthwhile. But there are some particular aspects you might want to bear in mind to ensure that you run your marketing campaign right as you do so.

Focus On Relevancy

The good news is that what matters so much more than the size of the database is the relevance of the data. As long as you have highly-relevant data, you should find that your database does the job just fine. Indeed, it is definitely better to have a smaller database full of highly relevant data, than a large database of useful information. So as long as you focus on relevance above all else, you should find that your campaigns are a lot more effective, and your databases are extremely useful on the whole.

Easier Segmentation

One of the primary means of looking after your databases is through a process known as segmentation. As you might have gathered, this is simply a process of keeping separate data sets that do not need to be kept together. If you have segmented things properly, you should find that the database is a lot more useful on the whole. Here’s some good news for those working with smaller databases, therefore: segmentation is a much quicker and easier process than it is for larger databases. That could actually save you a lot of time and effort and generally make your campaigns a lot more effective.

Tracking & Monitoring

Another important element is the tracking and monitoring of your databases and their relevant data points, along with how these are being used in the campaign as a whole. It is, again, a lot easier to track and properly monitor your data when there is less of it, so this is something you may want to monopolize upon too. You need to track not only leads and conversions, but also monitor your campaigns broadly, so this is so much simpler with smaller databases and data sets.

As you can see, in general, it is actually easier to run marketing campaigns with a small database size. You just need to make sure you stick to it, so you can get the best possible results every time. This is the main way to ensure you get what you need out of the campaign

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