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How to generate b2b leads for your software company

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How to generate b2b leads for your software company

Software companies are known for their technical expertise, their fusing of UX and UI design, as well as their tendency to refine and automate necessary tasks.

For this reason, taking a similar approach towards generating leads is a great idea. Let’s discuss how to do this:

Use essential b2b email marketing lists.

With a service such as Seagrass Marketers, accessing a range of marketing lists for b2b email campaigns is key. This can help you showcase your value proposition with confidence and merit, writing excellent pitches for services just looking for that added set of convenience.

Flex your web design capabilities.

With competent web design such as timed popups, a well-updated blog making the best of SEO, web portals, forums, and live chat agents, you can more readily bring in new clients from promotions or use social media as a means of showing off your portfolio. This way, you generate leads while also showing just how capable you are at the technical side of interfacing with clients.

Consider combining promotions with other tech firms.

Headspace, the meditation app, signed a huge deal with Spotify that afforded them the chance to provide free months of their premium service to anyone who signed up for Spotify Premium. This allowed them to use the exposed brand name of another larger firm while also providing that value-added approach towards potential new users onboarding with their services. Exposure like this is at the heart of lead generation and can work ideally for a software firm.

With this advice, you’re sure to generate b2b leads as a software company.

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